Musical Theatre Club @ St Polycarps - St Polycarps Pupils Only
Tuesday Musical Theatre 3.15 – 4.15
Tuesday Musical Theatre After School Club 3.15– 4.15
During the Musical Theatre After School Club the children experience dance, drama and singing which is a perfect introduction to the performing arts. Our experience has shown that even at a young age these activities help to develop both self confidence and self esteem.
Musical Theatre Students perform at the end of each term to their family & friends.
Dress Code for Musical Theatre students is a Showshack t-shirt and black jogging bottoms/jazz pants or leggings. Students must wear appropriate footwear, black plimsolls, black jazz shoes or jazz trainers. Please note that Ugg style boots or loose sandals/flip flops are not suitable footwear for Showshack. Long hair must be tied back.
This is a uniformed class – Please click HERE to purchase your Showshack Uniform.
All students may from time to time perform during a school assembly demonstrating the skills they have acquired. It is an essential part of their learning to perform in front of others.
Musical Theatre Clubs at St Polycarps
Please note : Enrolment to classes is ongoing and a notice period to cease lessons is required as per our Terms and Conditions